Art and Alchemy Everyday

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

I’ve been thinking a lot about the power of taking action lately. About a year ago I got to a point where I realized if I wanted something different to happen I needed to start doing something differently.

Art and alchemy everyday is about taking small steps to do something fulfilling and creative everyday. It's a powerful act of choosing yourself that builds over time.

I challenged myself to take a tangible action to align with my inner guidance everyday. I spent years learning to listen and trust my intuition, but I noticed when I felt stuck, it was because I wasn’t doing the thing it was guiding me toward.

I decided to do something my soul had been guiding me towards for years. I started painting or doing something creative everyday. Making art has always been a big inner calling for me, but I knew I needed more room in my life for it to really gain traction.

I had no idea what a positive impact this choice would have when I began. Besides the tangible works of art, it has supported physical healing, opened doors to new friendships and communities, grounded ideas that I have had floating around in my head for years, created financial flow, built confidence, and taught me new skills… and this is just a short list.

The act of creating and finding beauty in my everyday has transformed my life over the past year, and it’s continuing to shift.

I’m inviting you to give this a try, and share how you’re doing your creativity and experiencing beauty in your daily life. It’s Art and Alchemy Everyday. Please share on Instagram #artandalchemyeveryday because I’d love to see what you’re doing. Art is alchemy, and I know that if creating has been calling to you, it’s a message from your spirit and a key to opening the flow you desire in your life.

Finding ways to bring creative action into your day stimulates your creativity. It can be as simple as taking 10 minutes to write, snapping a photo of the beautiful clutter on your desk, or sharing something you made with your hands. It could be the breakfast plate with the vivid orange slices next to the cobalt blue napkin that was your grandmother’s or the beautiful snow falling outside your window. Snap a photo, let us see how beauty is showing up for you.


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