Be Kind to Yourself

Page of Cups from the Morgan-Greer Tarot; Princess of Cups for the Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldher; artwork by Jennifer Currie

I’ve been juggling a lot of things lately. When responsibilities start piling up, I have to be conscious about self-criticism and lack of self-care. Add a string of holidays to the mix, and it starts getting stressful.

I was pleased to see the Page of Cups (sometimes called Princess) show up for the last couple of weeks of December. The message is: Be kind to yourself, honor your sensitivity, and nurture the light within.

The Princess of Cups represents children, youth, innocence, being a beginner, openness, and embracing wonder. One of my favorite ones is pictured below. She is savoring the blessings of her cup. She is quiet, inward, sincere, and very grounded. These things are exactly what we need during busy times.

The meaning of this card is sweet, simple, and to the point. Savor this precious time. Be good to yourself, and nurture your physical body so you can stay grounded.

Take time to enjoy the connections of family and friends, and remember that it’s the energy rather than the “stuff” that will be remembered. Notice the wonder of this magical time of year (we had our first snow over the weekend, and it was so hushed, reverent, and beautiful. It slowed everything down, and it felt like a gift to stay home, cook, and just be.)

It’s easy to get swept up in the intensity of holiday activities, but at it's deepest roots, this holiday season of light is prompted by the winter solstice - the longest night of the year. As the light dims outwardly, it’s a time to go inward and kindle the light within ourselves.

The Princess of Cups is the essence of open-heartedness and connection, and she knows that the light starts within each of us. Keep your flame burning bright by being kind and loving to you, and you’ll end up blessing everyone with the light of your own warm heart. Being sparkly is contagious!

I’m sending you lots of love for your holidays and wishing you the most beautiful, joy-filled season. Thank you for all the warm wishes and kind words over the past year… it’s been deeply felt and appreciated. I’ll be back in January with a new website and a whole new journey! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! xo

Page of Cups from the Morgan-Greer Tarot

Princess of Cups from the Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldher

Princess of Cups from the Druid Craft Tarot

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