Choice: Your Greatest Creative Tool

I pulled The Seven of Cups for today’s post, and we're going to talk about choice: your greatest creative tool. There is an expansive quality to this card, and lots of options are available when this it shows up. It’s about keeping creative options open, but be aware that in order to move forward you have to make a choice.

I love the dreaming phase of any project when I can let my imagination flow and enjoy the experience. It can be so much fun to live in the realm of possibility and imagination that you don’t want to leave. However, if you stay here too long, you find yourself in a dreamy, in-bewteen place where nothing happens. Having options is great, but your visions stay in the realm of imagination if you don't make a choice.

Law of Attraction teacher, Bob Doyle, said, "Indecision is a form of self torment." If you're experiencing the down-side of this card, you may be in this state. It looks like scattered energy, false starts and distractions. There are too many possibilities, and you don’t know what to choose, so you try to do a little of everything. If you're afraid to make a choice, you stagnate by checking out and procrastinating. You may feel like you don't have a choice if you're looking for a path that won't make anyone uncomfortable or be too challenging. You may be afraid that you'll make the "wrong" choice.

What you need to remember is that your power to choose is your greatest creative tool. Rather than stagnate and struggle with indecision, it’s better to make a bold choice, gain something from the experience and choose again. If you linger in the realm of possibility too long, nothing happens.

The Seven of Cups is a reminder to actively use choice: your greatest creative tool. What does that mean to you? It could be asking you to expand your realm of possibilities and entertain your imagination.  Sometimes we get into ruts that numb us to the beauty of life and deaden our intuitive and creative perceptions. If you’re feeling uninspired, bored or just plain blah your spirit may be calling  you to choose to relax and dream a little. Or you might be lost in a whirl of visions always thinking about what you could do or might do without really taking any action. You may feel scattered and have anxieties about looming deadlines or unfulfilled dreams. Either way… make a choice and know that you can always make another choice and another. You are a powerful creative spirit, and you’re never truly stuck.

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