Creativity and Manifesting

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

Creativity and manifesting are my favorite subjects. I used to think these were separate topics, but the more I learn about both, the more I realize that creativity and manifesting are intertwined.

We are all creative beings, and divinely designed to be manifesting every moment of every day.

We often hear the term manifesting in conjunction with things like abundance, money, luxury and sometimes parking spaces and cups of coffee. It brings to mind vision boards and mapping our desires which are tools to help us manifest. It’s assumed that we want to manifest something that makes our lives better, solves a problem, or transforms our experience in a positive way.

When we create something good, we say, “ Wow! Look what I manifested!” But guess what? We’re manifesting all the time and sometimes this means we create things we don’t want. We manifest debt, and poor relationships, struggle, and procrastination. Most of the time it feels like this kind of stuff is happening to us, but really we’re just manifesting it unconsciously. As a powerful soul, creating is the one thing you can’t stop doing. Even when you aren’t making a choice, you’re manifesting indecision. You’re choosing stagnation or choosing to give your power away by not choosing.

Manifesting is about directing energy. When we’re doing it consciously, we’re setting clear intentions and doing the inner and outer work to make ourselves a match to that vibration. When our vibration aligns with our intended outcome, it shows up in our outer experience. When we’re unconscious of our vibration, we manifest both positive and negative “surprises” or things just stay the same. One of the most empowering things we can do is learn to consciously direct our creative energy and manifest what we choose.

So if we’re all so divinely wired to be powerful creators, why is it that sometimes we don’t manifest what we want? Here are 3 of the biggest reasons you’re not manifesting with ease and getting the results you desire.

1.  Your desire is out of alignment with your Soul Gifts.

The first question to ask yourself is this: "Are you trying to manifest something that is a good fit for your soul?" You have mastery in specific areas. These are your Soul Gifts. You may overlook these gifts because they come so easily, you take them for granted.

If you're out of alignment with your Soul Gifts, you may create situations that don’t allow you to flow with your natural talents. You pursue goals to please other people or to check off the boxes of what you "should" do. You might choose things that don’t allow you to shine. You dial down your gifts in order to fit in or stay safe.

Learning to manifest more powerfully always takes you into expansion rather than contraction. If the goal you’re pursuing isn’t budging or makes you feel heavy, bored, and deeply uninspired, it’s time to ask yourself if it’s in alignment with your Soul Gifts. Knowing what your Soul Gifts are can help you manifest with greater ease.

2.  Your subconscious isn't on board.

You need your subconscious mind to be on board in order to manifest. Your conscious mind could be saying it really wants a million dollars, but if you subconsciously believe “wealth makes you greedy” then that belief will override your best efforts and intentions. It becomes a value conflict and stirs up resistance and dissonance. Your ego gets involved and you sabotage your results. Subconscious patterns and beliefs are tricky that way.

It’s the biggest reason we hit roadblocks on the path to manifesting, but luckily there are ways to clear these blocks. You have created these subconscious patterns, and you can uncreate them, but you have to discover what they are. There are so many modalities and tools designed to help with this, and I’ve probably tried them all (lol!) The most effective ones I’ve found, are the ones I use with my clients. Soul Realignment and energetic clearing work in the Akashic Records. This goes right to the heart of the matter, gives you clarity about how you created the issue and clears it.

3.  Your actions aren't aligned with your Manifesting Blueprint.

Manifesting is not one size fits all. You are unique, and that’s why some manifesting techniques work great for you and don’t seem to work at all for others. When you want to create something new, you have to take new actions to align with that. There are lots of ways to go about this, and it can be challenging to discover what works best for you. When you're aligned and all the dots connect, manifesting is the simplest thing in the world, but if you're not, it feels like a relentless puzzle. Learning about your unique Manifesting Blueprint gives you the key to unlock that puzzle. You still have to take actions, but it shows you HOW to direct those actions in ways that will work for you.

Whether you’re creating a work of art, a business, or some fabulous new experience in your life, it is possible for you to be an empowered manifestor. It’s how you’re designed ,and who you truly are. Here’s to your beautiful manifesting both on and off the canvas! xo

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