Ground Your Vision

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

Does life feel like a roller-coaster ride these days? You’re up one minute and the next, you have zero inspiration. Waves of fear and worry get thrown in at regular intervals. You’re full of hope and optimism one day and the next you feel depressed.

The Ace of Coins (or Pentacles depending on your deck) is about beginning and learning to do things a new way. The Aces in the tarot are about new energies, and opportunities. It's exciting, and new directions abound. However, all this unformed energy can pull you in different directions. Let's discuss ways to get through early creative stages, and ground your vision by planting seeds and pulling weeds.

The Ace of Coins is an earthy card that acknowledges new projects are underway. It's guiding you to ground your vision. It’s about learning by doing. When it shows up, the guidance is to take some sort of action even if it’s just a baby step.

If you have a big vision or a dream, but don’t take any actions, it won't grow. You're not planting the seeds for anything to manifest. You may be waiting until the conditions are “right” i. e. you're in the mood, you've got more time, you know more, or you've got more support. Most of the time those things don’t fall into place on their own.

Planting seeds is about creating the congruent conditions that will ground your vision and help you make it a reality. Tangible actions will also ground you and keep you from feeling so scattered along the way.

Here are three ways congruent conditions can get blocked when you're trying to ground your vision and manifest something.

  1. You don’t plant your seeds at all (nothing grows).
  2. You plant them and forget about them (they grow a little and die of neglect)
  3. You plant more than you can manage (a huge harvest that is overwhelming and you get lost).

In all three of these scenarios the weeds just start taking over. If your little garden plot is already full of weeds, you won’t be able to plant anything. If you neglect what you’ve planted, the weeds will take it over and kill it; and if your garden is overwhelming, you may need to thin out the plot so everything can grow better and stronger.

What are the weeds? They are inner blocks that keep you from taking positive actions. They are limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that undermine you. Here are a few weeds I’ve learned to identify, maybe some of these will sound familiar to you:

  • The Never Get Started Weed says: “You don’t know enough, You aren’t talented enough, Who do you think you are?, You can’t do it, What will people think?, What if they judge me? What if I fail? etc.”
  • The Neglect Weed says: "Just give up. This isn't going to grow into anything. This is stupid. You're being selfish working on your project. This isn't important unless you make money from it right away. This isn't important, period. You can do this only when your other chores are finished. Everything and everyone else comes first. etc."
  • The Overgrown Weed says: “You have to say yes to everything so people will like you. You have to do it ALL so no one is ever disappointed. If you miss an opportunity, you’ll fail and there won’t ever be another one. If you don’t do it perfectly you’re a failure. Never let them see you sweat. Who needs sleep, food, pleasure?… this work is the important stuff! I’m a __________ (Mother, provider, employee, etc.) other people are depending on me, etc.”

We all have weeds that need to be pulled, and we’re in a great season to clean and clear space for future creations. Where are your weeds? If it’s hard to imagine a life without them, or you’re having trouble determining where they are, your Ace of Coins action-step is to find a tool and use it, or find a coach to help you and do the work.

If you’re stalled on a project and have cloudy thinking making it hard to see a small action step you can take, you might try “mind mapping” where you “dump” all your jumbled thoughts out on paper so you can see what’s there in a tangible form. This action isn’t about making a to do list, it’s about cleaning up the mental clutter, and it works only if you do it. If you’re overbooked and spread thin, your action step is to say “No” to at least 3 things, and give yourself some space. If you’re hiding out because you’re afraid of failing, your action step is to say “Yes” to something that scares you.

The Ace of Coins encourages you to be bold, and take actions that support and ground your higher vision. Don’t let the weeds win! You have a beautiful garden inside you. You can turn those weeds into nourishing mulch, but you have to do something in order to see the magic first-hand. xo

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