Keep Going...You're Almost There!

The Nine of Wands from the Golden Tarot

Are you feeling a little weary these days? Does it feel like you are putting one foot in front of the other, but you never seem to get “there”?

The 9 of Wands depicts that “so close, and yet, so far” moment we can all relate to. You can see your destination, but you're tired, and it feels like you'll never get there. It’s a moment when you feel tempted to give up, when you feel victimized by your circumstances and nothing you seem to do is getting you anywhere.

When you get the 9 of Wands you're being witnessed by your Highest Self. There's an inner acknowledgment of how far you've come and an inner boost to keep going. This card is from the suit of wands representing the element of fire in the tarot. Fire symbolizes inspiration, creativity, intuition and grace. The first thing this card says is: “You are not alone”. It's comforting because part of the weariness and defeat comes from a sense of disconnection.

The 9 of Wands brings an infusion of hope. It’s saying: “I believe in you. You are on the right path! You are doing marvelous things, and you are doing more than you even realize.” It’s a sign that you have simply bumped into an internal threshold, and it’s telling you where you need to persevere so you can break through your own patterns of resistance.

Keep're almost there! The 9 of Wands is bringing you the gift of encouragement and inspiration to sustain you along the way, and it promises that there is a bigger picture that you can’t see yet. You’ve got to trust.

You may feel like you’re lost in a maze with very high hedges and very little light. Maybe you’ve been winding your way through this particular maze for a long while, but your highest self has a much broader view of everything. It can see exactly where you are in the maze, and it knows that you’re only a few yards from the exit.

The 9 of Wands is a message from your spirit that says, “Keep going! You are almost there, and I’ve got your back – you are not alone.”

So how can you find the gifts of this message as it applies to your own life? Take a few minutes and ask yourself these questions:

  • What is going on right now that makes me feel defeated?
  • Do I always get stuck and want to quit when I get to this point? (See if you can zero in on what that is because it’s valuable information about your threshold.)
  • Where am I resisting or procrastinating? What step am I not wanting to take? The answer to this question tells you what you need to do. If you’re resisting sitting at the computer and working on that book, then you need to write the first sentence. If you’re resisting a project, you need to make that phone call or work on whatever task you’re avoiding.
  • How would I feel if I knew this task, project, or situation was completed, started, or resolved? Focus on the feeling that comes up, and let that be the inspiration that keeps you moving forward. Progress may feel slow, but every step you take is one step closer to liberation.

When the 9 of Wands shows up, you have an opportunity for a breakthrough. It’s a message in a bottle from your Highest Self saying, “You’ve got what it takes to make it through, and you’re so close!” It’s a moment to trust. Trust that you wouldn’t have the desire to move in this direction in the first place if you weren’t already blessed with everything you needed to get there. You are in the process of bursting out of your cocoon and your spirit is cheering you on. You’ve got this! You can do it! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and know that you’re almost there. xo

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