Manifestation 101

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

Let's take a look at the Three of Pentacles and talk about manifestation 101. It’s a great earthy card, and that means taking action, learning through experience, and seeing tangible results. Something is blooming, so celebrate the progress and share it. It’s time to let folks into the studio, the kitchen, the portfolio, the manuscript, the business… whatever it is you’ve been working on. The Three of Pentacles also has a message about the stage of manifestation that can be tricky, especially if you’re inner perfectionist has a loud voice.

So let’s talk about the stages of manifesting. When I use this word I’m talking about taking something intangible (like an idea, a dream, a vision), and making it into an experience - something you can see, touch, taste, hear, and smell. You’re bringing it into form.

Manifestation is a creative process regardless of your vision. You could have an idea for a financial business, a dream to write your artsy novel, or an amazing plan for your family's dream vacation. Regardless of the scenario, you’re in the creative process of making it happen, and there are some necessary steps that have to be taken along the way in order to achieve success.

Here are the basic stages. I can’t seem to think about manifesting without using a gardening metaphor… so here goes:

  • Stage 1: The Seedling: In the beginning stages you have to nurture your dream and let it gestate. This is where you go inward, connect with your soul, and let it fuel your exploration. You may feel like a novice during this stage because you’ll need to learn new skills, do research, practice your craft, and build your confidence. There will be a lot of “firsts” during this phase, and it’s a delicate time because it’s easy to get the wind knocked out of your sails from an unkind remark or rejection. That’s why you need a greenhouse. There will be times when it’s best to keep quiet about your work, get busy behind the scenes, and be selective about who you share with.
  • Stage 2: The Healthy Plant: You’ve sprouted, and it’s time to grow full-out. You’re getting some traction and you’re ready to put your creation into the world. You’ve learned everything you can from the safe incubator of the greenhouse. Your research is done, and you’ve practiced the skills you learned in that environment. The only way to grow now is to get out in a bigger garden (the world) and get some experience under your belt. It’s time to share the big idea, get feedback, collaborate, and learn by doing. Action is your new best friend.
  • Stage 3: The Flourishing Garden: At this stage you are hitting your stride. You’ve cleared many of the outer and inner blocks, and while you’re still learning and growing, you feel more confident. You’ve got healthy roots, and it’s easier to expand and send out new shoots of inspiration. You’re in the creative flow.
  • Stage 4: The Harvest: You’ve got a solid foundation, and your creativity is able to expand exponentially. Your ideas come to fruition much more quickly because you have created a base for abundance. You have more resources at your fingertips and even though you will continue to create and go through these stages over and over again, you are mastering manifestation. Things come together more quickly and more joyfully.

The Three of Pentacles is guiding us through Stage 2, and I find this to be one of the most difficult transitions. Taking yourself out of the safe inner sanctum of research into a more active and visible place in the world can be a little scary, but It’s also a time to embrace and celebrate.

It took a lot of work to get to this stage, and it takes courage to put it into action. If this is where you are, pat yourself on the back because this is HUGE! The important thing to remember is that you are not alone. No matter how slick the marketing, or how confident the people in stages 3 and 4 look, they had to go through stage 2 to get there.

We don’t always hear about Stage 2 because it’s kind of like the adolescence of manifestation. It’s not so glamorous, but it’s beautiful nonetheless and the place we do our most profound transformation. The Three of Pentacles is encouraging you to be brave because you’re READY. You don’t need to incubate anymore, you need to take action and have fun while you’re doing it. Hold onto your vision but let it rest gently in your hand instead of squeezing it tightly. The Divine has your back and this is exactly where you’re supposed to be. It’s part of the process, and every experience you have now is leading you to that amazing harvest that got you excited to begin the journey in the first place. xo

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