Money and Creativity

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

Money and creativity don't always align in our world. This is the one of the biggest blocks artists encounter. So much so, that we even have an archetype of the "Starving Artist". Understanding the beliefs you hold about money, the patterns you're stuck in, and your subconscious blocks around abundance can change your whole experience around manifestation and resources.

Your money story has a huge impact on your experience of abundance. Everyone has a money story, but most of us don’t know what it is. These money stories are fueled by unspoken agreements and beliefs we adopted as children but they also stem from karmic wounds and traumas we've experienced on our soul journey.

Money stories are different for each person, but there are some common beliefs that affect creatives.

1. Creative people aren't good with money- Avoidance: This is a pattern that stems from Fear. The avoidance pattern comes into play when we go into extreme fear around money and anything to do with money. This is rooted in a soul trauma. Creatives often gloss over this fear with excuses like: creative people aren't good with money. Uncovering and clearing past traumas around this belief/block can shift your energetic abundance grids in a huge way.

2. Romanticizing struggle and lack in the creative context: To be creative means you're accepting a life of lack -it's selling out if you're not struggling with abundance and living with strife around your resources.This is rooted in a self-worth - you don't believe you deserve abundance at a deep root level. When we feel like there's something we can't have or don't deserve we often build up romanticized "reasons" that this bad thing is somehow really a good thing. Good things aren't created from bad things - that's not how universal law works and it's not how energy flows. Shifting into a belief around deserving, valuing gifts and truly appreciating yourself is the key to unlock this belief.

3. Dealing with the practical matters of life kills creativity. When you have this one, you're not taking responsibility for your own abundance and support. You believe that tending to the grounded actions of paying bills and understanding investments and budgets is going to kill your creative spark.Learning how to retrieve all responsibility for your resources is the key to liberation and empowerment with this belief. As a powerful creator you totally have everything you need to step into empowerment around money and thrive. It starts with becoming aware of the ways you're energetically putting responsibility on other people or things for your support.

So many money patterns are fueled by fear, overwhelm, and shame.

Money can really trigger us, and often creative folks who have felt they weren’t good with money, didn’t get good grounded training when it came to money management. They accept messages about the “starving artist” and “I’m just not good at this.” Our money stuff likes to hide. We don’t talk about money much unless we’re talking about how hard it is, and we don’t know what our money stories are.

The good news is: you can heal this. You can release old stories, beliefs and energies. You can hit the reset button on abundance.

The first thing you need to do is become aware of your money patterns and beliefs. Sometimes they are tricky to pinpoint, but every time you get more conscious of your habits you change your money experience.

Energetic clearing is hugely beneficial to this process. Old karmic wounds and traumas can make it very difficult to manifest. If you've been living with those energies for many years it's become a pattern to live out of flow, and it’s easy to feel like a victim. It doesn't have to be this way. You are a powerful creator, and money is a tool for creating.

Getting empowered in this department does a lot more than straighten out your bank account – it’s a soul level transformation.

Money gives you the opportunity to have more choices and the more choices you have, you also have more responsibility. You also have more personal power. It doesn’t come from the money… it comes through you.

You are a whole being. Your money story is indicative of a vital life force energy drain (or flow) that’s happening in many ways, and it’s not linear. There are changes that need to be made with relationships or health because what needs to be addressed is an energetic pattern that’s out of alignment.

You also have money strengths. You have soul gifts, skills and qualities that you may be overlooking. Your brilliance can get dimmed down and overlooked when you've got energetic blocks and restrictions.

The spring cleaning around your money story starts by looking at the soul-level story and the story from your current life… so you can excavate and become conscious of the stuff that’s helping and the stuff that’s not.

You get to be the dazzling, creative soul you truly are and rewrite that story. This requires insight combined with new actions. You’re never stuck. You can always create something new, and finding out what needs to be released and what new actions will bring you into alignment is where it comes together.

What’s your money story? One question to help you discover the answer is: “What energy comes up for me when I think about money or take money actions?” Start checking in with this question and paying attention to what goes on for you around money. Money loves attention, and you’ve already begun shifting with this seemingly small action.

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