Small Actions Make a Big Difference

When I do a Soul Realignment, one of the things I talk about is the importance of taking action. It’s tempting to take in the interesting information about your soul, file it away, and then continue doing all the same things. However, significant change happens when we DO something new.

“If you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same life.” -Cheryl Richardson

Energetic clearing opens the door to new possibilities, but it requires action to anchor in a new reality. Here's why:

We are spiritual beings having a human, third-dimensional experience, and we are here to create with our choices. Some experiences we create are unpleasant and make us wonder why we would choose them, but this is where we come to learn how to use our creative energy and align it with what we truly want to experience. Sometimes we do this by experiencing the opposite, and that pushes us to grow and evolve.

Because things are denser at the third dimension, we get to see our creative process in slow motion. We can run an idea at the mental level, course-correct, and alter things before they come into being. Isn’t it a good thing that we don’t instantly manifest everything we think about?

We get to experience our creations here in a way that just isn’t possible in any other dimension. Our mental body is very helpful in this, but it's only one part of the process.

That’s why we need action. We make things tangible by doing in the third dimension. We manifest through creative action, and that's why it's so important to be connected and empowered in your creativity. We move energy and shift things in our lives with choices that are put into some kind of motion. This is different from a decision that takes place in the mental realm.

When you have a Soul Realignment, you clear away the energies that are contributing to unhelpful choice patterns in your life. These energies are blocking you from fully experiencing your soul gifts. The clearing happens in the higher realms at soul level, but in order to fully experience the effects in your third-dimensional life, you must embody it through action.

For example, one client had a program of anxiety affecting her ability to communicate freely and effectively.  As a result, she experienced extreme anxiety around speaking up as a child and developed a pattern of being shy. Having that program of anxiety cleared brought a sense of relief and lifted the intense anxiety around speaking. However, she had been living many lifetimes with a tendency to silence herself. She had come into adulthood in this lifetime with that coping pattern in place and it was a familiar default.

The door was opened for her to have a new experience with the clearing, but she still had to take new action in order to fully embody the shift. She started by asking questions in work meetings and chatting with strangers in line at the grocery store. It didn’t feel comfortable, but it was do-able. This led to other new actions that involved speaking up.

Every time she did this, it got a little easier, the anxiety started melting away, and other things started to change because now she was sharing her opinions and expressing herself more fully. Communication was one of her divine gifts, and yet, she had been hiding her light because of the anxiety. Little by little, these small actions made a big difference. More possibilities began opening up. It was a process, but it started a chain reaction of positive results because with each small action she was aligning with her soul.

Find small actions that make a big difference. Do something that gives you a sparkly, nervous, slightly terrified and a little bit excited feeling. That’s usually the way a soul-aligned action feels, and this is how you create a new experience in your life.

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