The Akashic Records

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

The Akashic Records are the energetic records containing the history of every soul. This term is popping up more lately, but a decade ago it wasn’t that common to say “Akashic Records” even though it's the source for some of the most accurate and life-changing readings.

An Akashic Record Reading provides you with information about your soul and the journey you’ve been on over many lifetimes.

Some people think of these as past life readings, and it’s true that information from past lives can be accessed through the Records. However, random information about past lives isn’t that helpful unless you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and apply it to your current experience. Learning how the challenges in your life were created through your choices, and consciously choosing to resolve them can shift things dramatically.

I became interested in my soul journey about fifteen years ago for three reasons: 1. I had just lost a loved one (my husband) and was trying to make sense of this tragedy. 2. I realized I needed to understand myself better in order to create a life that was fulfilling. I wanted to find my purpose, trust myself more, and feel more empowered. 3. I wanted to be a good mother and do my best to understand my daughter’s true nature and support her in living her purpose as she grew. At the time, I was just starting to acknowledge my inner artist, my intuition, and the possibility that I could create a more joyful life. After several years of grief and suffering, I truly wanted to shift into a happier state.

Once I set these intentions, I started learning all I could, and I began to work on developing my intuition and my art. I learned that the soul has had many experiences that go far beyond the physical incarnation you are currently living. Each of us has gifts - energetic qualities we access with ease. We feel happiest and most fulfilled when we’re using these areas of mastery. My desire was to have an understanding of my gifts and to change my life so that I was using them. I wanted to clear the blocks, live my purpose, and heal my life.

I was 31 the first time I ever received a psychic reading. It was from a famous psychic who later became my teacher. I didn’t know it at the time, and she never mentioned the words Akashic Records, but she accessed my soul’s history through the Akashic Records and shared information that resonated deeply with me. She shed light on some of the chronic struggles I was having, gave me guidance on how to make life changes that would be more supportive of my true nature, and gave me hope and inspiration that fueled my endeavors for years to come. She didn’t do any energetic clearing work, but I found that simply understanding some of my soul gifts brought incredible peace and clarity.

I’m not exaggerating when I say it changed my life, but it might be more accurate to say: I changed my life because I took what was shared in that reading, and I acted on it.

I did things differently after that. I had to put up boundaries and say no to some things. I had to deal with people’s disappointment which was challenging for me, but I knew life couldn’t continue the way it had. It was too far out of alignment for me and knowing this, gave me the courage to do it.

Over the next decade I learned a lot about intuitive development and developed my own skills. I learned that the best reading is one that inspires you to take action to change your life in a positive way. You are always the one in charge of how that will unfold. I found that I could offer the best support by working with archetypes, creating art, and accessing the Akashic Records.

My intention as an intuitive coach has always been anchored in understanding Soul Purpose. This has been a huge part of my own journey, and I believe that knowing who you are at soul level is the foundation for living a joyful life. Today my work in the Akashic Records is centered around discovering your soul gifts, clearing the blocks and restrictions that have made it difficult to express your soul fully, and empowering you to take actions that align with who you truly are.

As an artist, I love encouraging creative action and working with people to embrace their inner creativity and claim the artist within. Creativity is a deep soul desire and can often get stifled or abandoned due to blocks and restrictions as well as common beliefs about the value of art in our culture and a perception that abundance and art don’t go together. Actually, from an energetic perspective the absolute opposite is true! Creativity and abundance resonate with expansion, and limitless possibility. From a soul perspective creativity is an essential building block in any life.

I offer Soul Realignments, Soul Landscapes, and Soul Purpose Coaching in order to assist folks in blooming into the happiest, most creative, and fulfilled versions of themselves. My soul purpose is about self-expression and self-empowerment, so it truly makes my heart sing to share my gifts and help others get in alignment with their true essence.

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