Three Blind Spots to Abundance

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

Creative energy and abundance are connected, but often the most creative people struggle with prosperity and the creation of resources. Let's discuss three blind spots to abundance that block creative souls.

As a creative soul, a huge part of your soul purpose is creating and manifesting. As a soul drawn to creativity, you have a clue about your soul purpose and life lessons. You chose a life that gave you the opportunity to direct your creative energy masterfully. Knowing your soul gifts and putting them to use is the key to attracting the resources you need and desire.

When you live in alignment with your soul gifts, you manifest brilliantly and bring empowered and joyful experiences into your life.

Since I was in my twenties, I've read everything I could get my hands on about aligning with abundance and manifesting with ease. I pored over everything from spiritual teachers, mind-set coaches and practical business and financial gurus, but there were three blind spots that kept me from fully owning my creative power. These blind spots are common among creative souls and block your ability to experience the kind of abundance you truly want.

BLIND SPOT #1:  Not Knowing Your Soul Gifts and Your Purpose:  In order to be empowered creatively you have to know and own your soul gifts because what you have in abundance is the key to your abundance. It’s hard to shine brightly and bring your special genius into the world, if you don’t know what it is. However, it’s common to overlook and take for granted the very talents and gifts that are your primary magic.

If you don’t understand your gifts and personal truth, you will look for it outside of yourself. You make other people responsible for determining your value and do a lot of things out of obligation when you're not clear about your own gifts. It may not be conscious, but you'll experience a lot of dis-empowerment, lack, and stagnation when you're caught in this blind spot.

BLIND SPOT #2  Vague or Misaligned Intentions:  In order to create anything, you need a clear intention. Getting clear about what you want is a process only you can do. It's not about people-pleasing. You're the most powerful manifestor when you're using your energy for you.

A soul-aligned intention is going to align with your gifts. It's going to inspire you, and it's going to be a creation for yourself. Other people may benefit from what you create, but your creative energy only works for you.

This blind spot shows up when you try to manifest for someone else (a child or spouse for example) You may be trying to achieve a goal in order to please another person (like a parent) You may be afraid that you can't have what you want and have belief systems and blocks in place that are putting a cap on what you can envision for yourself. You may be so used to showing up in a supportive role or people-pleasing capacity that it's hard to know what you truly desire. You may feel like it's selfish to know what you want. You may be in doubt or fear about your ability to achieve certain goals, and you may feel like it's easier to let other people or the universe decide by leaving things vague and waiting to see how they unfold.

When you're doing these things, your intentions will be vague and your manifestations will fall flat because the energy will just slip back into default mode, i.e. the way things have always been.

BLIND SPOT #3:  No Action: Empowered creativity requires action. You are living in the third dimension.  That means you have a body, you are subject to time and gravity. The vibration rate of this plane is slower than the mental, emotional or spiritual planes.

It’s easy to create on the mental plane. All you have to do is imagine something and there it is in your mind’s eye. You can run a lot of possibilities in your mind. 

However, they will remain possibilities until you take action to make them tangible. Taking action always requires effort, but it doesn’t have to be miserable or difficult effort. When you're lining up your actions with your soul gifts your efforts are fulfilling, enjoyable, and they lead to prosperity.

The keys to manifesting are 1. Knowing your soul gifts and purpose, 2. Setting clear intentions that align with your gifts and your creative desires. 3. Taking aligned action. When you see through these blind spots and shift these patterns, you come into soul alignment.

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