Vision Boards and Manifesting

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

I love vision boards and have made many over the years, but when it comes to manifesting, they don’t work great for me. As an artist, this has always seemed strange because it’s a creative tool. The process of making a vision board is fun, but I’ve experienced minimal results.

In the past, this made me feel like I was doing something wrong. I would wonder, why does this technique seem to work for some people and not for me? It’s a popular manifesting tool, and it’s not uncommon to hear stories about magical results from vision boards. I have spent hours making beautiful, detailed vision boards and have even taught others how to make them in the past.

There are a lot of benefits from making vision boards, but I finally discovered why some folks get tremendous results and some folks (like me) get iffy results that are sort of meh.

Learning about my soul gifts and how my manifesting energy works helped me clear the fog around this puzzle and learn what tools and actions create the best results. As an artist, I was attracted to the tool of vision boards, but I have learned that my creative energy is better spent in other ways.

Some people are creatively inspired by the journey and some are motivated by the destination.

I’m sure you’ve heard this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Life is a journey, not a destination.” It is absolutely true. We are works in progress, having new experiences, blooming and growing all the time.

From a manifesting standpoint though, different aspects motivate us to move along our paths.  Some of us are motivated by the activities, processes and actions we take along the way.  We put one foot in front of the other because we enjoy the stretch of road we’re on. We like the breeze and the scenery. We enjoy what we create because it feeds our souls. These people express their gifts and learn through experiences. They are wired to embrace the journey, and the process of creating is very important for manifesting.

However, some of us are most motivated by goals, clear outcomes and defined destinations. We put one foot in front of the other because we see where it’s taking us (or we at least have a good idea). We move forward because there's a prize we’re going for. These types are motivated by the destination.

Journey souls manifest with the greatest ease when they are engaged in activities and doing things that inspire them. They benefit and align with abundance when they enjoy their work, look forward to the tasks they engage in and contributions they make on a daily basis. If you're a journey oriented soul, ask yourself this question: “Do I enjoy what I’m doing?”

At the other end of the spectrum destination souls manifest with ease when they have established, clear goals. It helps them a lot to have a clear vision of exactly where they are going. Even doing a difficult job they dislike, this vision will help move them forward. If you are a destination oriented soul ask yourself: “Am I clear about where I’m going?”

Vision boards work best for destination oriented souls because having a clear vision mapped out keeps them on track.

Vision boards can be magical for these souls because they are motivated by the reminder of where they're going and the clear vision of what they want to create.

If you're a journey-motivated soul, you can benefit from the activity of making a vision board if it’s fun, inspiring and activates a playful and expansive state. You may put it aside once It’s complete and forget about it because the goal reminder doesn't speak to you in the same way. Your results come from staying in a creative process that matches the vibration of your desired intention. The action of doing the vision board may have been one step in creating that vision.

Both journey and destination people have to set intentions in order to create what they want, but the way they manifest is different. For example:  A destination oriented soul will get inspired when they spend time making a vision board because it grounds their vision and becomes a vibrant reminder and motivator. On a day when they’re feeling resistant, this reminder of the goal helps them push through.

The journey person will benefit from remembering their intention, choosing an action that aligns with it, and then diving in. For example: This person might feel resistant to making time for painting and feel unmotivated. The best way for them to work through this is to remember how happy and healing their painting practice makes them feel and how inspired they are once they get started.  Journey-oriented souls need to begin in order to push through the resistance. If they feel scattered and unclear about where they are going a vision board is a great process “in the moment”  that helps them gain clarity. Once that clarity is achieved, the board itself won’t hold as much value for them.

Are you a Journey Person or a Destination Person?

You’ve probably guessed that I’m a Process Person : ) This is just one small aspect of the kind of information you might gain from a Soul Realignment. Knowing if you’re more process or goal oriented with your natural energetic flow can make a huge difference in your manifesting results. It shows you how to take actions that line up with your soul. It also shows you the variables that come into your manifesting process. Knowing how to direct your creative energies in ways that work best for you takes you from a hit and miss manifestor to a masterful alchemist. Here’s to your creative empowerment! xo

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