What is Procrastination Telling You?

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

What is procrastination telling you?

Procrastination is so frustrating - especially when it comes to those heart-felt projects you just can't seem to get underway. Creatives often have about a million ideas, projects and possibilities floating around. These may exist in the form of unfinished physical projects or they’re unfinished mental projects that create a ton of distraction.

That big idea keeps calling to you. In the beginning it was fun and inspiring. You probably put a lot of mental energy into the idea… there was something in you that said: Yes! I really want to do this!

But somewhere along the way, it dropped off. It never got started or it got set aside.

We all do this, but if it's getting to the point where it feels heavy and gross. It's time to re-frame the situation and do something new. Procrastination is a stuck energy and a lot of unfinished anything can become stagnant and burdensome. 

You’re procrastinating and here’s what’s going on:

Procrastination is telling you 1 of 2 things:

1. It’s telling you that you DON’T want to do something. Sometimes you procrastinate because you said yes to something out of obligation and now your spirit is rebelling. The solution is to cultivate awareness around the vibration of obligation and stop doing things because you feel you “should”. If you determine that you don't want to do this project. Let it go. Freedom and flow await you on the other side of that choice.


2. If you know that your project is a true desire. You’re wondering: Why am I resisting doing this thing that I was so inspired and excited about? The answer is: FEAR.

Underneath procrastination there is always some form of fear. It is literally a holding back, a contraction of energy. It's a protective mechanism you’re hard-wired to have when you feel vulnerable. It shows up when you do anything new.

It’s completely normal. Fear is the typical response we all have to the unknown. So if you’ve been dreaming about a project and failing to take action, it’s because somewhere you’re afraid. And it’s ok.

That fear is telling you that whatever you’re dreaming about has the power to change you, to shift you into a new vibration and transform your life. This may be very exciting and also scary as hell. That new action is taking you into an unfamiliar experience, but it's exactly what your soul is reaching for.

Every step you take to make it more real also makes you realize that things are going to change.  This brings your protective ego mechanism into the mix… and that’s why you’re procrastinating. Your ego doesn’t like change.

The first step in overcoming that fear is recognizing what is going on and re-framing it. You probably won’t feel comfortable as you navigate this new territory, but you can keep moving forward by reminding yourself: I’m doing something I’ve never done before and feeling scared is normal.

You can get past procrastination. Find your inner courage and take one little step and then another. Movement is the key. You’re not lazy when you procrastinate. You’re having a NORMAL response to something new.

You’re afraid because you dared to dream up something that BIG… and now the toothpaste is out of the tube. You can’t put it back in. Your dream is active, and it needs you. So use this re-frame on procrastination and take one step.

Celebrate every little action you take because it’s courageous. You’re making progress. There is a lot happening under the surface that’s re-patterning your vibration into alignment with every action you take. So keep going!

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