What You Want, Wants You

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

"What you want, wants you", is a reminder of how Universal Law works. It means that those deep soul desires and the things you’ve been wanting to create are actually available to you. It means the thing you want most, is also wanting to come into your life. It's also a reminder that you don't desire things that aren't available to you. Your desires are a map to your own soul gifts.

All week long this message has been popping up in my mind, and it has been the encouragement I needed to keep going.

“All things are one. And when you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you achieve it.”

-Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

In the past, I had trouble believing this. In fact, I’d say a lot of the time I felt like I was having to push and struggle and strive to get what I wanted. I felt like I had to justify wanting it, deserve it, work hard for it… and even then, I might not get it.

Is this the way you were taught to approach life? This mindset creates struggle and disappointment. It causes blocks in our flow.

This belief causes a misalignment with your soul and a deep misunderstanding of your power.

What you want, wants you is telling you that your desires are little love letters from your soul. They are the glimmers and clues of what is there to be explored and uncovered. 

For example:  If you have been dreaming of being an artist, on some level you know it. Maybe you always found it interesting. You lit up in art supply stores or always wanted to write or draw or paint. Even if you didn't believe you were particularly talented at art (yet), you kept thinking about it. There was a desire within you to make things.

If you have a desire – you also have the gifts and means to manifest it.

You don’t have desires for things that are out of alignment with your soul. The Universe doesn’t work that way. If you have a soul desire for an experience, then you already possess the keys to opening the door to that experience. You still have to start where you are though. You may have to learn something new, take new action, or put forth effort to develop a skill set.

Manifestation always requires effort, but a soul desire tells you there’s something worth investigating and trying out. There will be pleasure and empowerment in that effort rather than hard work and struggle.  

You’ll know it’s a soul desire because it's something you deeply want to create. (It's the stuff you keep dreaming about, putting on your vision board and taking classes to learn more about).  Your soul generates those desires because its purpose is to have experiences that give you an opportunity to expand and use your soul gifts.

Of course the ego can want stuff too, but there’s a big difference in an ego-attached goal and a true soul desire. An ego goal involves pleasing other people, getting another person to do something or doing things that aren’t a good fit. Ego goals don’t light us up, they don’t energize us, and they don’t inspire us. Ego goals usually take us out of our “zone of genius” and don’t take into consideration what brings us joy.

Reminding yourself that "what you want, wants you" can help you work through the ego resistance that kicks up when you start taking new action to realize your soul desires. It’s a promise that it’s worth the effort to align with your soul gifts because they aren’t separate from you. Your soul gifts ARE YOU.  Your soul desires ARE YOU. So you really already have them and they simply want to be uncovered and put to use.

The Universe IS YOU too… and it is conspiring in your favor. So listen to those inner messages and take action on your intuition.  You can create anything you want, but you have to believe it and support it.  Your desires don’t come TO you… they come THROUGH you.

“Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do… begin it, because action has magic, grace and power in it.” 

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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