Your Highest Self

Artwork by Jennifer Currie

Everyone has intuition. You may be highly aware or you may not feel a strong connection, but everyone has this ability. We lose connection when we have energetic blocks, belief systems, or lack of encouragement. However, even if your intuitive abilities are more accessible, you still need to cultivate and awaken your consciousness to get the most out of these gifts.

When your intuition is “offline”  the symptoms are lack of self-trust, fear, lack of purpose, and a tendency to be ungrounded. When you don't trust your own inner wisdom, you look externally for validation, safety and guidance and everything feels out of your control.

It can be extremely dis-empowering. You feel like something is wrong with you because you're struggling with energetic sensitivity, poor boundaries, and intense vulnerability. Reconnecting with your intuition puts you back into your power. You awaken, perceive your soul gifts more deeply and repair your trust in yourself.

I first began awakening in the late 90's right before my husband became ill, and it went into full swing after his death in 2001. The first big ah-ha moment I had was understanding that I needed to reconnect with my intuition. I was suffering in a lot of ways, and I knew deep down that learning to trust myself was imperative.  I began studying anything I could get my hands on about intuition, and it was overwhelming.

The first thing I wanted to know was: when I use my intuition, what am I connecting with? 

I wanted to know that I was connecting with positive, loving and supportive information. I also wanted to know that the guidance was for my highest good. I couldn't rebuild my self-trust if I didn't know I could trust my intuitive sources.

There are lots of sources for intuitive guidance. You can intuitively connect with angels, spirit guides, nature spirits, Ascended Masters, and the Akashic Records. You can also connect with your Highest Self. All of these sources of spiritual guidance evolve out of the Divine.

Not every source of spiritual guidance is good for every situation. For example: angels are extremely loving and can provide beautiful energetic healing and support, but they are less in tune with dense third-dimensional experiences. Often angelic guidance is very sweet and loving but not as precise when it comes to concrete action steps.

Your Spirit Guides  journey with you in this lifetime. You have chosen them, and they have chosen you. It's a co-creative collaboration. They are a great source for next steps and more specific guidance, but they can’t make your problems magically disappear and they won’t interfere. If you're not running the show, asking for assistance, and taking action, they sit quietly until you give them something to do. They aren't here to tell you how to live your life and make choices for you. They are here to assist you on your creative journey.

All loving and supportive spiritual helpers work this way. They are helpers. You are in the driver's seat.

That’s why the best place to begin is connecting with your Highest Self. Your Highest Self is command central for all your spiritual resources and the headquarters for your soul’s journey. This is your soul’s internal GPS system and a big ally when it comes to setting intentions and charting a course for your life.

As a soul, you have a well of gifts and potential available to flow through you out into the world. Your Higher Self is the source of your inner wisdom and the bright ideas that come to you when you least expect them.

Your Highest Self has the big picture view of your life. It knows your soul purpose, your life lessons, and your gifts. It knows where you are on the map, and it wants to steer you toward fulfillment and happiness.  More than anything, it wants you to recognize that it’s not separate from you – it is you. You aren’t trying to create it, or earn it, or go out and find it.

You are a channel for your Higher Self, and you are here to experience your divine soul gifts. When you are living authentically and creating businesses, artwork, relationships, etc. from that place. Your soul gifts flow through these activities. That's living in alignment.

Connecting with your Highest Self is empowering because it aligns you with your soul gifts and places you in the driver’s seat of your life.

It’s a first step towards creating a soul-full life. Learning tools to help you cultivate this relationship will activate you intuition, stimulate your creativity and strengthen your boundaries. Get acquainted with your Highest Self, and bring your intuition back online for healthy boundaries, clear intentions, and powerful creating. xo

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