Your Inner Wisdom

Priestess card from The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne and artwork by Jennifer Currie

The High Priestess comes up to invite you into your inner wisdom. This card is about going inward, intuition, new knowledge, and peace.

She wants you to learn something about yourself, and she’s asking you to be still, listen, and pay attention to the subtle magic and miracles that are all around you.

Everyone is blessed with a sixth sense, and it’s available anytime. If you’re already aware of this, then The High Priestess is calling you into a quiet space where you can connect with your inner wisdom. If this is a new concept, it's time to learn, cultivate and strengthen your intuitive connection.

When you learn to work with and trust your intuition it makes everything you do in life easier. It also creates a fun and interesting journey.

Connecting with your inner High Priestess might look like a meditation practice, journaling, reading and studying spiritual growth, or taking a course. It's ultimately a call to learn about yourself more deeply and find tools that help you do that. I recommend using oracle cards as a fun and effective way to sharpen your intuition and get to know your soul.

My intuition opened up and my spiritual journey took off when I began using oracle cards. Although I was intuitive, sensitive, and empathic, these gifts were not acknowledged in my childhood. I grew up in a culture that taught me to trust outer authorities rather than an inner knowing.

This way of approaching life worked when I was a kid. As I got older and had to face challenging and tragic things, it completely stopped being effective. I was living from a place of seeking answers outside of myself and ignoring my inner wisdom. I had a lot of anxiety, stress and drama in my life that was draining my vitality and creativity. I was exhausted and overwhelmed a lot.

Beginning a tarot practice shifted things by giving me some sacred space in my life. It also provided a tangible tool to build up fluency with my intuition.Oracle cards help you learn the language of your soul because they work as symbols and illustrations of archetypes.

Archetypes are the the universal symbols that are embedded in all humans at a soul-level. We all speak archetype because it's like a language of the soul.

Working with oracle cards like the Tarot allows you to consciously build up an active vocabulary. They mirror the unconscious and subconscious truths within you and give you a way to see and understand yourself better. Working with cards gives your conscious mind a path to interpret the symbols and unpack the layers of your intuitive knowing.

Your soul is fluent in archetypal symbolism - that’s the language your intuition speaks. It may come up for you as random words, images, sounds, colors, memories, feelings, or sensations in your body. It’s unique for each person, but it is there if you start looking for it. The journey is about discovering what these symbols mean for you.

I knew nothing about tarot cards when I first began and had a lot of apprehension about them because of scary movies with scenes of gypsies making ominous predictions. The first thing I learned about the cards was this: A tarot card or oracle card is a piece of paper with pictures and numbers printed on it… nothing more. It doesn’t have special powers. Your cards become sacred tools through your intention. They use archetypal symbolism to help you learn about yourself and your relationship with the world around you. You have the power, not a paper card.

If this resonates for you, all you have to do is choose a deck you love and draw a card everyday for guidance. Pay attention to your first impressions, thoughts, the images that you notice first and what they mean to you. Working with oracle cards is a practice in cultivation awareness as well, and it's helpful to keep a journal and spend a few minutes writing about what comes up for you with each card you pull. The more you spend time with the cards, the more your knowledge and understanding will deepen.

Over time, this practice can go from a learning exercise to a full-blown conversation with your highest self. When we let our inner wisdom guide us, we’re always on the best path, so check in and see where The High Priestess is guiding you. There is amazing wisdom waiting to be discovered within. xo

Top Image: Priestess Card from The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne

Bottom Image: The High Priestess from the Gilded Tarot

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