$497.00 USD

Soul Realignment

In this two hour session you'll learn about your Divine Soul Blueprint and do a deep clearing of karmic imprints, blocks, and restrictions to your vital force and creative energy flow. We'll unpack your core soul gifts, life lessons, star seed place of origin, intuitive gifts and more. Then shift gears into a karmic map of past experiences and patterns that have been blocking your flow. We'll do a deep energetic clearing, and realign your energies for more vitality, creative flow, and clarity.

In this special deep dive session you'll receive:

  • An understanding of your core soul gifts and the areas you're here to cultivate and master in this lifetime.
  • Guidance about your goals, their alignment with your core soul gifts, and ways to step into greater alignment for more abundance and empowered manifesting
  • Information about past life patterns and wounds that are affecting you now.
  • Clearing and cleansing stuck vibrations, past trauma imprints, discordant attachments, and coping mechanisms that no longer align for you.
  • Retrieval and activation of your areas of mastery at a soul level.

We'll meet via Zoom, and you'll receive a recording of your session via email 1-3 days after the session. You'll also receive customized homework to anchor in the clearing and help you re-pattern your energetic grids. 

What People Are Saying:

Jennifer Currie is a true healer. I have been fortunate enough to experience her healing magic multiple times. As an accountant I see lots of women entrepreneurs who have many blocks and restrictions around money, abundance and the value they bring to the world. I am convinced that having a soul realignment session with Jennifer would help anyone eliminate years of struggle. I am going to start recommending that my clients have a soul realignment session with her because I think it is that beneficial to being successful with money, business and self-worth. We can do a lot of work ourselves working with our mind and body and asking for guidance but she goes back lifetimes and clears programs that are holding us back from expressing our gifts and receiving rewards from them in our current lifetime. In the short time that has passed since my soul realignment session I have had major breakthroughs in my business. I can see a bigger vision for myself than I was ever able to see before, and it’s coming quickly. I also had a session with her around relationships and dynamics that had not been working for years changed instantly. I am not exaggerating here and am still surprised about it. If you are thinking about having a session with Jennifer, I highly recommend it. My life is getting richer by the day. I feel great about myself which is something I have always struggled with.

Carole Leblanc

"I am very grateful to Jennifer for her guidance in integrating lessons of my life’s journey. Since my teen years I have worked with many counselors in the different locations I’ve lived, including learning skills in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and using medication which was no longer effective after 15 years in helping to minimize psychic pain. Jennifer’s work with me has been the most successful. I've worked through so many layers and gained spiritual and pragmatic insights about my life. Thank you, Jennifer!!"

Anne Stilwill

Working with Jennifer far exceeded my expectations! She found what was blocking me from moving forward with my goals. I gained a ton of insight and felt clear and lighter each day. I felt connected like I never had before and had a whole new and intimate understanding of my soul. Jennifer was able to pinpoint exactly what was working for me and exactly what I needed to work on which gave me a game plan! This is WAY beyond anything I've done before.

-Lara Cornell