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Discovery Session Application



Jennifer Currie

is an Artist, Soul Purpose Coach and Intuitive Healer. After experiencing the loss of her husband in her 20's, she went on a journey to heal grief and create a joyful life in spite of this tragedy. She has spent 2 decades exploring her creativity along with ways to channel those gifts into an abundant and beautiful life. She has studied with spiritual mentors, business coaches, artists, and also has an M.A. in Art History.

She combines her intuitive gifts with practical coaching to help soul-centered entrepreneurs, artists, healers and empathic sensitive souls align with their Divine Blueprint, clear blocks, and put their gifts into empowered and joyful action. She has a particular affinity and understanding for those who are pursuing the arts, but she believes creative energy is the root of all manifesting and her processes speak to anyone who is seeking abundance and a more expanded experience of life in any form.

Connect with Jennifer on Social Media!